lunes, 18 de enero de 2016


When you are a teacher who wants to use ICT in their classroom and outside with their students maybe is time to know what is Joomla! and why this is important to you.

Joomla! is a content management system, in other words, is a software where you can build your own web page with your personal content as documents, photos, videos, text, etc. and the most important thing, it's free!

I never used Joomla! before but in the research about what is this site and how it works, we can see that the site offers different features to help us to create your own web page, as multilingual options (if you are working in Spanish, or English), easy upgrades, nested categorization (very useful if we are using the web page as a class tool, where you can keep different units, exercices...) and more.

Joomla have extensions too, and if I have to choose one, maybe my choice is the Structure and Navigation because if we, as teachers, are creating a web page where our students could navigate, study, find new information o make their homework it is necessary that they find everything easily with a clear structure. 

If you are interested in download Joomla, or knowing more about it, please check this website:

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