miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016

Sign up for a Newsletter!

The Ancient History Encyclopedia is a webpage created to develop some historical content for students, teachers and history enthusiasts, and these characteristics fits like hand in glove to me.

I signed up for the newsletter of this page because it have some good content and keys to learn about the Ancient History and also have a section called "Et Cetera" where you can find a lot of interviews, articles, photos or education related to history that is very useful if you want to include new researches to your classroom, or to show to your students that the History is not all written, it is continuing discovering new things.

With signing up for the newsletter, you have the oportunity to know all the new articles, discounts for buying books or post your photos related to ancient history, so I strongly recommend it. Also, you can follow the page at Google + so you are more than informed!!

Here's the webpage if you're interested: http://www.ancient.eu/

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