sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015


The use of expressions and idioms, make our conversation more fluid and natural, but when we are learning, we need to know how to use these expressions or prepositions to be clear about what we are trying to say.

We have two good websites to search information about corpora: the British National Corpora and Linguee (parallel corpora). The first page, could help us to find results of expressions in context, and the Linguee page could advice us about appropiate translations.

Well, if we search in both sites the expression: take it easyin the Linguee site we could see that in the first section we have a dictionary English - Spanish, then a Wikipedia source about the expression, in this case related to a country song, and by last a list of text that uses this expression, and their translation

If we search the same expression in the British National Corpora, we see that more than a hundred of results give us information about where this expression appear, and all the meanings could have.

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