sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

Working with Thesaurus

The thesaurus could help us to avoid repeating the same words when we are writing a composition. It is helpful too when we need to understand better a term, or maybe if we need to say the opposite thing.

In this exercise, we use www.thesaurus.com/ to search a word, related to History, in this case "ally", and the information that we obtain is very sensible. Firstly, thesaurus gives us a small definition of the noun, and a list of synonyms and antonyms. But if we need a concrete use of the word, this web offers us different groups of words related to the one we search.

So, if we ask for different words to increase our language, or simply for writing a composition, the use of Thesaurus is important, it gives us not only a list of synonyms, also the right words refered at what are we trying to describe about.

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