viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Students' needs

History is a conversational subject between teacher and student. Sometimes is difficult for our students to follow the teacher's explanations, and maybe using a different language to their mother tongue could be a risky task. Well, we set our class of History at the level of 4th of ESO, where historical content part from the eighteenth century to the present day, and the units or modules includes:

UNIT 1: The eighteenth century and the crisis of the old regime
UNIT 2: The era of revolutions.
UNIT 3: The development of capitalism, imperialism and World War I.
UNIT 4: The crisis of interwar and World War II.
UNIT 5: The world after 1945.
UNIT 6: Spain: from Franco's dictatorship to democracy.
UNIT 7: The challenges of the 21st century: geopolitical changes, globalization, and environmental crisis. 

If we think about the linguistic exchanges that students need in our class, it is important that students should be able to express their problems about the lesson and of course to ask to the teacher, I mean, to develope a fluent conversation about history between the class and the professor. Also, students needs to write compositions, define historical concepts, analyse historical documents (text or image), etc. On the whole, Students should be able to understand the subject and, of course, explain it correctly in the way we demand it.

So, students must have control about language skills, related to the History (debate, writting, defining, expressing, etc.). Besides, they must control this in a different language, as it is English.

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